The Binary System

An electric current which is either on or off. The binary system uses only I and O. I = on O = off Binary Counting: 1=I 6=IIO 11=IOII 16=IOOOO 2=IO 7=III 12=IIOO 17=IOOOI 3=II 8=IOOO 13=IIOI 18=IOOII 4=IOO 9=IOOI 14=IIIO 19=IOOIO 5=IOI 10=IOIO 15=IIII 20=IOIOO

Calculating Binary Numbers

1. Make a list of numbers, going from right to left, increasing by doubles

32 16 8 4 2 1

2. Add up the numbers till you reach the number you are looking for

E.g. We are looking for 25
32 16 8 4 2 1

3. Place an I under the numbers required to reach the specified number, as shown above.

What is shown above can also be used to calculate Binary Numbers. Follow the same process of doubling (you don't have to stop at 32), and just fill in the binary number in the correct value spot. Now all you have to do is to add up the values correctly.


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